
音乐 文学 美的世界


【一边走神一边看 花了两个多小时看了一章orz】

CHAPTER 2 Speaking Confidently and Ethically

·Speaking Confidently

"Don't think of yourself as having stage fright. Instead, think of it as 'stage excitement' or 'stage enthusiasm'."

"Pick speech topics you truly care about."

"A standard rule is that each minute of speaking time requires one to two hours of preparation time-perhaps more,depending on the amount of reasearch needed for the speech."

"Creat a vivid mental blueprint in which you see yourself succeeding in your speech...The more lucid your mental pictures, the more successful you are likely to be."【原来脑补还有这功能……】

"Only a fraction of the turmoil you feel inside is visible on the outside...Even though your palms are sweating and your heart is pounding, your listeners probably won't realize how tense you are-especially if you do your best to act cool and confident on the outside."

·Speaking Ethically

"Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs."



